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Our Expectations

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What YOU can expect from US.

A safe place to work your recovery

A clean home

A smoke-free home (Inside and Outside)


Honesty and Integrity

Shared room with comfortable beds

Linens provided and Laundry facilities onsite

Free access to house computer

Free Wi-Fi


Full kitchen privileges

What WE  expect from YOU.


Scheduled Biblical instruction at Lamb House

Mandatory intake drug testing

Random drug testing

Curfew 10pm Sunday-Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11pm


Sunday Church Service at Grace & Peace Church

Your participation in daily house chores


We provide benevolence help while the women are looking for 

work. Once they are employed, we require they pay a modest weekly program fee.

Request more information on how to join our church!

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Lamb House is FARR-accredited ensuring high standards of integrity and services along the continuum of care.


Click to view CODE OF ETHICS

Grace and Peace Ministries, Inc.

A Christian Ministry 501(c)3 non-profit organization. A safe, clean and sober living environment

Looking For Help?

Our home provides a safe and supportive recovery environment that builds a bridge between substance abuse treatment centers and the independent maintenance of long-term sobriety.

Director: Lilian Pontillo

Phone: 954-448-3754


© 2020 LAMBHOUSE FOR WOMEN. Designed by DankerLuna

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